
State Highway, 34 KA, Old Mahabaleshwar, Satara, Maharashtra - 412806

From Stone Shelter

16 km

Opening Hours

06:00 am to 06:30 pm

Entry Fee


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Lord Mahabaleshwar Temple Mahabaleshwar

This temple holds great significance for Hindus around the globe. Built in the 16th century by Maratha rulers, the Mahabaleshwar temple is dedicated to the god Shiva, and it houses a 6 ft tall self-originated Shivlinga. The Shivlinga is in the inner sanctum of the temple, along with a trishul, a rudraksha, a damru and a bed. It is said that these items belong to Lord Shiva. The temple is built in the South Indian ‘Hemadanta’ style. It stands on a hill and is surrounded by a 5 ft tall wall. Devotees come here from all over the world to seek the blessings of Shiva.

There are two other temples here- the Panchganga temple and the Atibaleshwar temple besides the main shrine.

Book your Stay at Stone Shelter, Mahabaleshwar

Places to Visit

Mahabaleshwar is the perfect getaway for nature and adventure lovers. It houses some of country’s most beautiful and serene locations. It is also home to several adventure sports like trekking, hiking, paragliding, kayaking and more.